Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beskid Niski - Lackowa - 997m

February 2007. Some people say that Beskid Niski mountains are like Bieszczady formerly. Many routes where it's hard to meet anyone. They're far from Bieszczady and from Beskid Sadecki. It's not easy to get there from Wroclaw, especially in winter. Best way is to choose train to Krynica. This time I didn't even ask anyone to come with me - besides I felt like I can handle myself and I knew the region already. I took skis and sticks again. I didn't want it to be that easy, so I started near Piwniczna, I wanted to start in a place where Beskid Sadecki ends, it was impossible to connect routes only with Bieszczady and Gory Swietokrzyskie, which are to far. The task was even harder than I thought. Skis didn't work well, I didn't even take a sleeping bag, it would be to heavy, I just needed to get to hostel. But I didn't get there. I found a small shelter at about 22.00, so I decided to stay there for the night. I was trying to sleep, but it was to cold. After 4 hours of "sleep" I decided it is better to walk than to freeze. At about 3.00 I moved out of the shelter. Surprisingly it wasn't too dark. One of the best feelings connected with mountains was a view of weak lights above one of a small villages nearby. I couldn't take any good picture in that circumstances, unluckily. I got to Krynica at the dawn. Now I could use skis for a 3 kms long downhill, but legs were too frozen, so I was even more tired after that. Then I took two busses to get as close to Lackowa as possible - till Mochnaczka Nizna. And then running with time. Lackowa in winter is very hard to reach. Steep slopes were almost impossible to walk through, but sticks helped. After I came up, the sun appeared which helped a bit. On the way back (sometimes it was more like sliding on a back) I felt my shoes are wet from inside. On the outside they were frozen. On the flat terrain I could increse the speed and I just needed to wait for a last bus, I wasn't sure if it come... but it did.

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