Sunday, May 15, 2011

Masyw Snieznika - Snieznik - 1425m

June 2004. At last something bigger and with greater crew. As always it was all about getting the main target and see as much as possible, so do not repeat routes during walking up and down. Two days again, but the longest at this time of year, so we didn't have to be in a hurry. Best way to do it was to choose a train. The cheapest and you don't have to worry about the stuff left somewhere near (a car, bikes). Equipment - just what's essential, one or two small torches etc., only one tent, quite crowded inside, but just one night - we could stand it. Dlugopole train station and then heading west along the red route to Miedzygorze. At first excertion you can always verify your food and water resources, compare actual form with timetables. Everything was ok. 6 years after the trip I have forgotten many details, but they were probably not worth remembering, nothing spectacular happened, quite hot and easy route to the hostel called Na Sniezniku. Tea and at about 20.00 along the green route, a little bit more steep slope, but it's not a problem in summer. At the peak at about 21.30. It was still bright for about half an hour - enough to put a tent. We shouldn't do it in a landscape park, but what was important - not to leave any litter. Sleep until the sun wakes up and soon on the way along Czech Republics border line. High temperatures, but great views. The way to Maly Snieznik - pleasant, almost flat all the time and soft ground. Then a bit harder. We got mostly tired at Trojmorski Wierch slope, but some gupls from the sources of Nysa Klodzka river compensated it all. Then a way down to Miedzylesie to catch a train again. We began to complain, after 25kms the second day we had to break corns.

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